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PE at All Saints' means 'Active Bodies, Active Minds and Fit for Life!'

Mrs SC is the subject lead for PE at All Saints'. 


The enjoyment and participation of children in PE sessions at All Saints' is of the utmost importance. We want to instill a love of sport and an understanding of the importance of health and physical exercise in day to day life. We aim to encourage and motivate children to have a love of sports and exercise . We do this in a range of ways: 

- Exciting, challenging PE lessons that motivate and encourage children to achieve 

- A wide range of extra- curriculum clubs are on offer to all children 

- Inter-house and intra-house competitions run throughout the academic year to promote competition through a range of sports 

- Involvement in festivals to encourage children to try new activities in a fun setting 

- A wide range of visitors who all have different experiences and backgrounds 

- Exciting and engaging school grounds that promote physical activity in a variety of ways (trim trail, forest area, large field, playground games). 


The staff team work exceptionally hard to engage children with the PE curriculum throughout the year. PE is a much loved subject by children and staff alike. We are very proud of our achievements within this subject.

I have done my best in the race, I have run the full distance, and I have kept the faith.

2 Timothy 4:7


School Games Awards
