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Early Help and Safeguarding

The safety and well-being of our children is of paramount importance to us at All Saints'.  Safeguarding our children is everyone's responsibility. Our safeguarding and child protection policy can be found within the policies section of our website, which is within the key information tab. 


Our early help leads are Mrs Saporita-Clark and Mrs Huddy. At various times throughout life many children and families need a little extra help and support. Please make an appointment to speak to Mrs Saporita-Clark or Mrs Huddy if you ever feel the need for help or support. The sooner you come and speak to us, the sooner we can help and support your family.


More information about our early help offer can be found below. 


Our designated senior leads (DSLs) for safeguarding are Mrs Saporita- Clark, Mrs Huddy and Miss McLaughlin. If you ever have a concern about a child's well being, and feel that they are in any way at risk of harm, please come and speak to one of us in school. 


Please look out for details of our half termly coffee mornings, shared via Dojo, which take place in school, and are supported by many early help agencies, all of whom attend to offer their help, support and advice. Regular attendees at our coffee morning are:

Louise Carr, Child and Family Well Being

Lancashire Women

ADHD North West

School Nursing Team

Community Solutions

Mrs SC and Mrs Huddy


Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is updated at least annually, and sooner if the need arises. Our policy can be found within useful information, policies. We ensure all staff and volunteers within school have appropriate and up to date safeguarding training. All staff, governors and volunteers in school have read Keeping Children Safe in Education: Part 1 and are aware of their responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding of all pupils.


Within school we teach our children about how to be safe  and  responsible when online. Staff at school carefully select websites for children to access within school and oversee and monitor online use. At regular times throughout the year, we talk about being safe and responsible online , both in classes and during key stage assemblies. Each year the very unit of computing covered relates to online safety. Can we please ask that you, as parents, reinforce online safety messages and closely monitor both what your children are accessing when at home and how they are communicating with others when online.


Where we are made aware of incidents where our children behave in an unacceptable manner towards each other when online at home, we will always inform parents when such concerns are raised with us at school however we cannot police what children access, and how they behave, outside of school beyond making clear our expectations of our children and that these extend beyond the physical school environment. We strongly educate our children about showing respect towards each other at all times, including when not in school, but we need you as parents to be reiterating this message at home and undertake monitoring of your child's use of the internet and social media at home. It is very sad to see and hear some of the things that are being 'said' online or via social media between our children-please support us in ending this.


Within the parents section of our website is an abundance of information and links to  useful websites, some of which contain information relating to online safety, should you require any further information.


Within the children's section of our website there are links to age appropriate materials to support the development of an understanding of being safe online. 


Beneath information about our early help offer, you will find information about the PREVENT Duty and what this means for school. 


Below you will find some posters and links to websites which we hope you will find useful ins supporting you and your child(ren) in being safe, happy and healthy.


