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Autumn 1

Pupils shared what they had learnt about within the first few weeks in their new classes.

Year 4 and year 5 pupils could share that they had learnt about rounding and the importance of the digit 5 to know when to round up or down.

Year 3 pupils could talk about exchanging and were learning about when this would be useful. 


Pupils could tell me that retrieval was used to recap something that had already been taught or can help to remember something. 


Year 5 and 6 pupils enjoyed the recent inter house maths competition. 


Year 3 and year 4 pupils agreed that they found the maths competition difficult and would enjoy it more if they had some more help to answer the problems. 


All pupils were familiar with using two tone counters in maths lessons and all agreed that maths equipment can help them understand their maths and would like to use it more often.
