At All Saints' we have high expectations for behaviour. We believe every child has the right to grow, learn and thrive in a safe and calm environment. If this is to be achieved, then it is vitally important that high and consistent expectations exist for all pupils at all times, with every adult whom a child comes into contact with supporting every child to demonstrate strong behaviours.
Our approach to managing behaviour at school is centred around a positive approach, reinforcing positive behaviours and praising 'good choices' publicly and reminding children about expectations where 'bad choices' are made privately . We know that some children need more support than others with us and are mindful of this when supporting children to show strong behaviours. We believe all children should be given every opportunity to 'Let their light SHINE' and be supported to do so where this is identified as a challenge. We teach our children how to behave and how to meet the expectations for behaviour that we set out. This is modelled to the children consistently. Every PSHE lesson starts with a 'spotlight on behaviour', with staff selecting as aspect of behaviour which they identify as a need to be revisited based upon the needs of their individual class.
At school, we have three school rules:
Be ready
Be respectful
Be safe
These are displayed in all classrooms and are accompanied by the poster you can see below, which exemplifies how children may demonstrate they are ready, respectful or safe.
Every child, from Y1 to Y6, has their own SHINE card, which is a reward card for all children, recognising when children show our school values (love, persevere, respect, faith and joy) or are seen as been good role models, showing our rules; being ready, being respectful and being safe. When a child fills a line, horizontally or vertically, or achieves a full house, they receive a little reward.
Where children are seen to be struggling to make 'good choices', and at times make 'bad choices', these are recorded on Arbor on a scaled basis, with the scale directly relating to the amount of support a child is likely to need to enable them to make 'good choices' going forward.
We implement 'The All Saints' Way' as our approach to managing behaviour. This document, alongside our positive relationship and behaviour policy, can be found below.
Our Pupil Parliament, Department for Rights and Justice, will be working on a child friendly version of our behaviour policy and All Saints' Way in the autumn term.