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Autumn 2


The children showed in-depth knowledge about how we group animals, the different animal groups, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and were also able to share how they would go about exploring a big question to find an answer-they were superb! Please give them a sticker from me.

EBI and next steps

There were some misconceptions about mammals and how many legs they do/do not have - revisit and retrieve

Some confusion between how many seasons and how many moths there are - revisit and retrieve




 - children could clearly recall knowledge linked to units of work taught this year and in previous years.

 - children spoke positively about the updated retrieval and knew that this was to help them remember previous learning and use skills they had been taught before.


Next steps for KS2:


 - KS2 staff will take part in a session in the new year to look at the different types of SE.

 - retrieval grid to be adapted to include a 'scientific enquiry' section  






monitoring evidence - curriculum champions
