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Autumn 2



Good number formation – all children formed all digits correctly.

All children could confidently use an abacus or rekenrek to show number bonds to 10 (y1) or 20 (y2).

Year 2 had some helpful strategies for counting in 3s.


Year 3 pupils reported work on division and multiplication was harder, but not too hard.

Year 4 pupils said that they were enjoying their number sense sessions with lots of children in class getting higher marks.

Year 5 pupils reported that they had been taught some useful calculation methods, like noughts and crosses.

Year 6 said that they had enjoyed learning how to solve long division calculations.



Year 6 pupils recalled being able to choose the focus of their retrieval task in a recent lesson and asked if this could happen more often.

Pupils asked whether maths could be more active, or outdoors, involving more games like in science lessons.

Year 3 asked about having more of a times tables focus in their lessons (this will be coming in spring term with the start of the number sense programme)

Year 3 also asked for some more work on time.

Pupils asked for more lessons on things they struggle with.
