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Department for the Environment

The Ministers in the Department of Environment, both young leaders (KS2) and mini leaders (KS1), have an important role to play at All Saints’.


Firstly, they are expected to act as good role models for their peers by showing respect for all areas of the school environment, both indoors and outdoors.


They will be responsible for supporting the actions of the Eco Club, helping out if and when necessary.


They will meet half termly.  The focus of these meetings will be linked to the leadership skill that is the whole school focus that half term, as well as discussing other topics which have arisen through class parliament discussions relating to our school environment. One of the young leaders will hold the responsibility for taking minutes and creating a report about what the Department of Environment is working on at the time.  It will then be the responsibility of the ministers to share this information during whole school assemblies. 


The link teacher for the Department of Environment is Mr Preston.




Summer term updates


Some of the Ministers work with Mr Preston throughout the year, ensuring that our outdoor areas are safe and inviting.  They have completed litter picking sessions and help with weeding and planting.  All this results in All Saints’ school being a very welcoming and inviting place to be.

Spring Term


The Department for the Environment have been working hard this term to ensure that school looks as tidy as possible.  They complete regular checks of coat areas and help to tidy up in classrooms.


The Department for Education Ministers have been awarding certificates to the classes with the tidiest cloakrooms and the class with the most certificates each term gets an extra playtime as a reward.


16th January 2024


The Department Ministers met today to discuss the school environment.  Issues raised were that some classes are forgetting to turn off lights and white boards when leaving the classroom for prolonged periods of time.  The ministers will act as ambassadors by politely reminding and helping staff to do so.


Another issue discussed was the presentation of the school environment.  The children agreed that bathrooms, cloakrooms and the hall were the main areas of concern.  They have been tasked with making posters to go around school to remind the pupils about showing respect to our school environment, and each other, by keeping it clean and tidy.  They voted that it would be a good idea to give out certificates to those classes with the tidiest cloakrooms and that they will carry out weekly inspections.
