The Ministers in the Department of Sport, both young leaders (KS2) and mini leaders (KS1), have an important role to play at All Saints’.
Firstly, they are expected to act as good role models for their peers by engaging well in PE sessions as well as the daily mile, encouraging others to do the same.
They will be responsible for sharing information with the school about upcoming interhouse and interschool competitions, as well as keeping track of house points received during interhouse competitions. Young leaders will have the additional role of completing reports from inter school competitions.
They will meet half termly. The focus of these meetings will be linked to the leadership skill that is the whole school focus that half term, as well as discussing other topics which have arisen through class parliament discussions relating to sport. One of the young leaders will hold the responsibility for taking minutes and creating a report about what the Department of Sport is working on at the time. It will then be the responsibility of the ministers to share this information during whole school assemblies. Young leaders will also be required to share any interschool competition reports in Key stage/whole school worships following such competitions.
On sports days, in the summer term, the ministers in the Department of Sport will be responsible for helping to set up the necessary equipment for the day to run smoothly, as well as the young leaders supporting with Key Stage 1 sports day.
The link teacher for the Department of Sport is Mrs Collins.
Roles and responsibilities
The Sports Ministers have all agreed to support with Active playtimes at All Saints'. Each class's Minister will endeavor to remember to bring the Active Playtime bag out at breaktime each day.
The Y6 representatives have been tasked with bringing balls out at breaktime for classes to play football or netball.
Spring Update
The Ministers for Sport continue to support at breaktimes making sure that Active Playtime bags are brought onto the playground for all to enjoy.
Joshua (our Y6 Sports Minister) ensures that there are footballs out at each break and that these are shared with the class whose turn it is on the weekly rota.