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Worship is an important part of life, and our school day, at All Saints'.

All children will take part in an act of daily worship.

Below you will find information about worship in our school for 2023-2024 academic year. Worship gives us time to praise God as Christians, reflect on our lives and think about the wider world and all of the diversity found within it.

As we settle back into the routine of school, we will build upon how worship is celebrated at All Saints' and once again ensure that our year 6 children, acting as 'Guiding Lights' take an active role in preparing and leading worship at our school. 

Weather permitting, we will also begin to make use of our beautiful (and vast!) school grounds to hold whole school acts of worship.


On Monday, we celebrated All Saints' Day. We celebrated with each class dressing in a colour to represent their chosen saint. We then celebrated in Church and each class lit a candle and explored information about their saint. Lots of the children did some research at home and found out information about their chosen saint to share with their class. Have a look at some of our celebrations of All Saints' Day 2024.

Worship at All Saints' 2023-2024
