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Curriculum Design Information

Power Maths

At All Saints' we use Power Maths as the basis of our maths lessons. Based on the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach, Power Maths is a mastery approach, approved by the DfE.

Click the links below for termly overviews for each year group.



Mastering Number


Key Stage 1 also follow the Mastering Number Programme. 

Started in September 2023, we introduced this programme to support the automaticity of number facts as our children move from Key Stage 1 and into Key Stage 2. These sessions are delivered 3 times a week, in addition to curriculum maths lessons.

Number Sense

Number Sense is introduced in spring term of year 3. This programme provides a structure, research-based approach to the learning and teaching of times tables. This programme continues into year 4 in preparation for the multiplication check in the summer term.


The programme then provides ongoing support into years 5 and 6 for those children not yet secure at their tables facts and to provide recall opportunities for all pupils in upper key stage 2.


As with all subjects taught at All Saints', our school vision and school values are at the heart of our maths curriculum.
