As with all subjects taught at All Saints', our school vision and school values are at the heart of our PE curriculum.
The National Curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all children:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
All Saints' Primary School offers a broad and balanced PE curriculum. We aim to provide a curriculum that is inspiring, motivational and inclusive for all our pupils . We believe it is of the upmost importance for every child to achieve their own personal best. We are passionate about creating and building a safe, secure and valued environment for our children to grow and flourish within. The curriculum is progressive and covers a range of different sports, games and activities. It builds on prior learning and allows the children to practice previously learnt skills within new units.
Our aim is to build competence for all our learners. This in turn develops motivation and confidence of our children.
All staff members at All Saints' are very passionate and driven about providing our pupils with a challenging, motivational and evolving PE curriculum. We inspire the children to believe in their own potential and have a positive attitude towards learning in PE. Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of PE involves the following:
- Our lesson plans incorporate the recommended pillars of progression. Motor competence and fine motor skills are incorporated into EYFS and KS1 lessons (and added where needed to KS2 lesson plans), to ensure consistency of delivery. Plans then progress to include rules, tactics and strategies and healthy participation, where children learn the importance of warm up and cool downs.
- We are part of the Lancashire Sports Partnership which allows our children to have access to a wide range of competitions and festivals throughout the academic year. The partnership allows staff to receive vital training when needed to ensure they are comfortable and confident teaching the curriculum. We also work closely with the Forward As One Multi-Academy Trust and engage competitively with all the extra curricular activities that are led by the trust, giving our children extra opportunities to compete.
We have access to 'PE Planning' scheme of work which allows teachers to feel confident planning and teaching PE, although lessons are adapted to meet the needs of specific children where this is an identified need. We scaffold effectively for those less able and challenge appropriately those more able. We challenge and motivate all to achieve their own personal bests - as Ofsted mentions in their latest review, 'high quality PE is a physical and cultural entitlement for all pupils, regardless of their starting point.' Annually we partake in the Your School Games Award, inspiring, motivating and engaging teachers and pupils alike.
- We plan and deliver a broad and stimulating curriculum, helping children to progress and achieve the National Curriculum aims.
- We aim to ensure all children have at least 60 minutes physical exercise a day. Throughout the day, and weather dependent upon which areas are accessible, children have access to the trim trail, forest area, large field and playground equipment. Children also take part in the daily mile each day. We employ external coaches to run lunchtime games for each year group across the week, as well as funded extra curricular clubs.
- Children across school have a timetabled 2 hour PE/games session each week.
- Our children take part in intra-house and inter-house competitions throughout the school year, these include sports from previous years to help retrieve prior learning and sports they have not encountered. We run an annual inter-house swimming gala to expose more children to competitive swimming, adapting the requirements for those who have not yet mastered the skill of swimming.
- A wide range of visitors come to school to provide children with new experiences and inspirational lessons.
- We ensure that the equipment at our school is of good quality. The equipment is there to further support teachers in their teaching of the curriculum. Audits are taken throughout the school year. New equipment is bought when needed to meet the needs of the children.
- A wide range of extra-curricular events are on offer to meet the needs of all children at All Saints'.
PE is given a high profile at All Saints'. We understand the importance of physical literacy on all children, not just for life in school but for life. The successful teaching and learning of PE at All Saints' provides our children with a fun, engaging and inspiring curriculum. Children are taught skills and attributes that they will use for the rest of their lives. PE is a much loved subject across school. Children are educated and understand the importance of having and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They understand what having a healthy life style entails. Parents and guardians are also heavily involved within this process. Children understand that PE can open many doors for future career possibilities. This provides excitement and focus.
The impact of the provision of a successful curriculum is evident in our attainment of the Gold School Games award. We achieved the Gold School Games award in 2023-2024 and will be aiming for gold again in 2024-2025!