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Department of Education

Meeting date 27.2.2024

The Ministers for Education met to discuss the different ways in which their learning is shared with them.  When all the children meet as Curriculum Champions, this is their opportunity to discuss individual subjects with subject leads.  As Education Ministers it is important that they have the opportunity to share which styles of learning they enjoy the most and feel work the best.


Styles of learning that they enjoy (and would love to see more of in their lessons) included:

*more wow science  

*more quiz, quiz, trade activities (to check for times tables knowledge/understanding of vocabulary, etc)

*more acting/freeze frame activities

*more singing across other lessons – children feel that this really helps them to learn and remember things 

*more time spent outside – even if just for a short time (doing the quiz, quiz, trades outside, throwing a ball when counting in maths, etc)


They also mentioned that they would prefer one longer playtime than 2 shorter ones, to allow them time to enjoy a game of football or have a chat with their friends.

Some children in KS2 mentioned that some wider curriculum afternoons felt a bit rushed as 2 lessons were taking place in one afternoon.

Meeting date - 23.4.2024


They said, we did!


The meeting was a very positive meeting with children stating that lots of the teaching styles they has suggested at the previous meeting had been seen in their learning.  The children said that they felt "listened to".


They also stated that the new change in timetable allowed them more time to spend with friends at breaktimes, enjoying chats and games.


KS2 children were positive about the timetable changes, allowing more time for wider curriculum subjects to be taught.




Role description


The Ministers in the Department of Education, both young leaders (KS2) and mini leaders (KS1), have an important role to play at All Saints’.


Firstly, they are expected to act as good role models for their peers in the following ways:

  • by showing respect for education, always engaging in learning (including working with their learning partner) and always trying their best, in all lessons, regardless of ability or attainment.
  • by following our school rules of ‘Be ready, Be respectful and Be safe’ which ensure that effective learning can take place at all times. 
  • by following all instructions including silent signals used by adults at All Saints’.


They will meet half termly.  The focus of these meetings will be linked to the leadership skill that is the whole school focus that half term, as well as discussing other topics which have arisen through class parliament discussions relating to education.  One of the young leaders will hold the responsibility for taking minutes and creating a report about what the Department of Education is working on at the time.  It will then be the responsibility of the ministers to share this information during whole school assemblies. 


The link teacher for the Department of Education is Mrs SC.



