Reaching out and connecting within our school and local community in 2024-2025
Reaching out within our school
It has been a difficult few years, and we know lots of our families personal circumstances have changed, lots of families are facing challenges and difficulties that are new to them and cause worry. You are not on your own. Please come and talk to us, or send us a message, if you need help. There is never a need to feel embarrassed or worried about asking for help-we are a Christian school and live out our Christian values without judgment.
There are lots of ways we can support if you are struggling, through our work and links with a large number of organisations/charities. There would never be any judgment from us at school-just support and a genuine offer of help (and a cup of tea or coffee!)
Lots of you will know Wendy, our home school liaison officer, and will know just how resourceful Wendy is!
We have our termly coffee mornings where a wide range of external agencies come along and are ready to offer you support, advice or just an ear to listen! Mrs Huddy and I (Mrs SC) are also always at the coffee mornings.
This year, we are delighted to have the very talented team from ELCAS, led by Kathryn Chapman, running the Incredible Years parenting course on site at All Saints'. The first round will begin with welcome sessions and one to one meetings in September 2024, running until January 2025. The second round will begin as above in March 2025, running until July 2025. To find out more, please see the Incredible Years website using the link below. The course is open to anyone who feels it would be of benefit. Just contact Mrs SC or Mrs Huddy at school if you are interested.
Evidence-based Parenting Programs | Incredible Years
Don't ever struggle, or worry, always ask when help is needed and know that you will be supported with love.
Reaching out within our community
Harvest Festival- October 2024
As a school, we celebrated and lived out our half termly value focus of generosity by donating lots of food for the Harvest Festival. We donated non-perishable food items for the local foodbanks and also gave donations of money for the Bishop's Harvest Appeal. All of these donations will make such a huge difference to people in our local community and to those supported by the Bishop's Harvest Appeal, The Women's Literacy Project in Multan, Central Pakistan.
Year 5 Community Summer Community Afternoon Tea-July 2024
Our year 5 children led the final community afternoon tea of the school year, once again enjoyed by all. Chess, Uno and snakes and ladders were played whilst tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits were enjoyed. The children sang beautifully to entertain our visitors. Well done year 5 and thank you to all who joined the afternoon tea.
Helping local charity - The Cancer Bank - May 2024
All Saints' children and parents have worked hard this half term to provide much needed support for a new local charity called The Cancer Bank. As the school value this half term had been Service, children were tasked with doing things to help at home in order to raise money to help others. Some children helped out with chores at home whilst others chose to organise their own sponsored events such as bike rides. Families then had the opportunity to donate money raised directly to the charity or to use it to buy much needed items to support those suffering with cancer. A great number of items were collected and a donation of £585.83 was handed to the founder of the charity Dan Theobald's when he came to lead an assembly for KS 2 raising awareness of cancer.
EYFS visited some local care homes to sing Nursery Rhymes - May 2024
The children in EYFS had a wonderful time visiting local nursing homes recently. They enjoyed singing a range of Nursery Rhymes to the residents and even got an older rendition of Humpty Dumpty from a gentleman on one visit. The children also loved having the opportunity to chat with the elderly people - "I spoke to one lady and she was 104!!" We have been assured that the feeling was mutual as we have been invited to return on a regular basis. The EYFS children behaved superbly, letting their light shine at all times.
Year 4 Community Afternoon Tea- 3rd May 2024
We had a lovely afternoon with some of the community. We enjoyed playing some chess and dominoes and the people who attended shared with us some of their wisdom and tricks of how to win at dominoes. We provided hot drinks, biscuits and cakes and we really enjoyed having the opportunity to share this time with different members of our local community. We are definitely going to hold more of these afternoons and continue building these relationships. It was lovely to hear how many members of the community commented on how many of us truly did 'Let our lights shine!'
Year 5 Christmas Community Afternoon Tea-15th December 2023
What a great afternoon once again! It was really lovely to welcome members of the various community groups and residents from local residential homes into school to share afternoon tea and Christmas carols with our year 5 children. It was really lovely to see that the children were remembered by many and the beginnings of cross generation friendships most definitely forming!
Churches Together Service-14th December 2023
We were delighted to have successfully re established this event for 2023-long may this continue! The children from the four local primary schools-ourselves, St Mary's Catholic school, Mount Pleasant and Altham St James CE school came together to put on a wonderful service sharing the joy of Christmas for the local community. It was great to have the mayor join us for this special service also. Building links and friendships with children across our schools is very important to us.
Open the Book @St Mary's RC Church-14th December
During our planning meeting for the Churches Together service, we came up with the idea of the children from St Mary's, Mount Pleasant and All Saints' school coming together, alternating between All Saints' Church and St Mary's Church, to share and enjoy the Open the Book worship at Christmas and Easter. The aim is for our children to build relationships with other children who live in their local community bit perhaps attend different schools. We came together in 3 groups-EYFS and KS1 children, lower KS2 children and upper KS2 children to enjoy this worship together, this time at St Mary's Church.
Year 6 singing at the masonic hall
Year 6 loved singing in our local community at the Christmas party for the Masons' organisation at the Masonic Hall. The children were the main entertainment and raised £40 for school funds. The children sang a variety of well-known traditional carols as well as some songs that they had learnt for the event, such as Midnight and Just a Single Candle.
Wednesday communion church service
Once a month, a different KS2 class join the parish at All Saints' Church for the Wednesday communion service. This supports our children to develop links with members of the congregation at our local church as well as giving our children an experience of the communion service in action. This year, Rev'd Toby has visited each class in school prior to them joining the communion service for the first time of the year to lead a session about the Eucharist and the meaning of the communion service. This has supported the children to really understand the service they are being a part of. The children lead various parts of the service and sit amongst the congregation, developing these links with the church community.
On Wednesday 13th December, we brought the Wednesday communion service into school and celebrated this in the school hall with our year 5 and 6 children.
Harvest Festival and the Bishop's Harvest Appeal 2023
Our Harvest Festival took place in church on 11th October. It was lovely to see those who could to join us. Thank you to all who supported through donations of non-perishable food items/toiletries to support our local food bank and for the donations of money to support the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal which this year is supporting CRESS UK, a Christian charity whose mission is to educate and train South Sudanese people with the knowledge and skills to empower them to establish self-sustaining communities.
Macmillan Coffee Morning September 2023
Year 6 once again ran a coffee morning for friends and families of All Saints', raising money to support the wonderful work of MacMillan, a charity which has provided support to some of our families in school. Year 6 did a wonderful job of leading the coffee morning, acting as waiters and waitresses as well as entertaining our visitors with their singing. Thanks to the generosity of our families with donations, we were also able to run a cake sale after school. In total, we raised £360 for this very worthwhile cause. Thank you to all involved and well doe All Saints'!
Reaching Out in 2022-2023
Summer Afternoon Tea
After the success of the Christmas afternoon tea, it was lovely to welcome members of the local community back into school for a summer afternoon tea. The children remembered many of the visitors from Christmas, and many of the visitors remembered the children, which was lovely to see. We are looking forward to building these relationships over time.
Uganda Project
The memory of Mrs Collins' visit to Uganda and the Nkuringo Community is still very much alive at All Saints'! Within 2022-2023, the 3 year sponsorship for 3 children to attend school came to an it was time to fundraise all over again to ensure that the children we have supported over the last 3 years continue to benefit from being able to go to school! The challenge was on and once again the generosity of the children and families at All Saints' shone through!
Rosie supporting the homeless within our community
Rosie is in year 2. She has been making tickets and selling these to her family for various things. She has used all the money she has raised to buy food for homeless people in our community. What a great effort Rosie, well done, we are proud of you.
Tree Planting on Lower Barnes Street
We were very excited to be invited to be a part of a tree planting initiative in our local community, planting trees to develop our local area for the future. Our year 3 children braved the weather and planted over 200 trees on Lower Barnes Street.
Christmas Community Afternoon Tea
Our year 5 children led a wonderful Christmas afternoon tea for members of the local community. We had cakes, chocolate, tea and coffee, spent time talking and sang carols, including some together. The year 5 percussion group also performed some of their pieces. A wonderful afternoon held by all.
Christmas Cards to the Care Homes
Our year 4 children made Christmas cards and delivered them to the local residential homes. They made the day of the residents who were thrilled to welcome them into their home.
Harvest Festival 2022
Our Harvest Festival took place in church on Friday 7th October 2022.
Donations of non perishable items for our local foodbank, and donations of money towards the Bishop's Harvest Appeal.
The food banks in our local area are in more demand than ever more. As a Christian school, we want to reach and support wherever we are able to.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Our first 'Reaching Out' event of the 2022-2023 school year took place on Friday 30th September when our year 6 children led a coffee morning in support of MacMillan.
We were very grateful to the whole school for their generous donations of biscuits, cakes and buns in support of our coffee morning.
The total raised for this well deserving charity was £495 . As a school, we choose to support MacMillan as a number of our families have been directly supported by their fantastic work.
Well done All Saints', reaching out and supporting a worthy cause!