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Curriculum Champions 2022-23

The Curriculum Ambassadors work with Mrs SC to support in all subject leaders having a more secure understanding of the curriculum in action at All Saints’. They gather feedback from children about various curriculum areas, support subject leaders in monitoring displays and resources to enhance learning and teaching in given curriculum areas. Support in evaluating the impact of visits and visitors and help to ensure a child’s voice is included within our view of the impact of our curriculum.

Curriculum Ambassador Update


Some of our Curriculum ambassadors have been hard at work, supporting subject lead teachers.  Please see below for what has been happening at All Saints' recently.



Science ambassadors have been supporting Mrs SC in a variety of ways.  They have been taking photographs of science displays in different classrooms, questioning pupils (about science at All Saints') during breaktimes and supporting Adrian Bowden with his travelling science show.  They will also support Adrian with his next travelling science show and are supporting Mrs SC in planning some future science lessons for year 6.



The RE ambassadors have been helpful, taking photographs of the RE displays around school for Mrs SC as well as taking notes on, and auditing the reflection areas in classrooms.  They have also been questioning children about RE in school.



The English ambassadors have a very important role. They are vital in speaking to pupils from EYFS- Year 6 about their thoughts and opinions on our English curriculum. It is important that we understand what is going well and what could be improved.


The English ambassadors also help Mrs McKnight in running the school library on a weekly basis. 



The PSHE ambassadors helped Mrs Huddy to lead a whole school worship during anti-bullying week.  They are also planning another worship to present to the school soon, during Children's Mental Health week.



The Art ambassadors have been helpful in supporting teachers with gathering resources for their lessons, as well as taking photographs of displays around school.



The DT ambassadors have been questioning children about DT at school.





On February 27th 2023, the curriculum ambassadors spent some time after school with their subject lead teachers.  This time spent together gave subject lead teachers a great insight into the pupils' views of the different subjects taught across school.  Time was spent working together to create questionnaires for the the ambassadors to ask other pupils in school, thus allowing subject leads the opportunity to gain further evidence of pupil voice for all subjects.  The curriculum ambassadors then spent some time in classrooms, looking at displays, sharing WWW and EBI points about the displays from a pupil's view.  


The time spent was positive for all involved.  Subject lead teachers were able to look at their subject through the eyes of the children and the ambassadors were able to put into action the responsibilities that come with their role.


We will hold another session for subject leads and curriculum ambassadors to work together in the summer term. 
