Autumn 1 Pupil Parliament meeting
All members of the PP were present and all stated that they had previously led Class Parliament sessions and had brought their notes with them.
Ideas shared by the PP:
More clubs, class pets, more time spent outside, more forest schools (with s'mores), mindfulness sessions, raise money for charity, non-uniform days
You said, we did:
Many clubs are run every half term with the year groups invited to attend changing on a regular basis.
Staff decided that each class will be given a plant to nurture.
Children were reminded that, in their role as Curriculum Champions, they can share their ideas for more time outside with their subject lead teachers (VH to check for an update in the next meeting).
All children have taken part in Wellbeing sessions this half term and are taking part in regular mindfulness sessions in class.
We have raised money this half term for MacMillan, Children in Need, The Poppy Appeal and took part in a danceathon to raise money to pay for the schooling, clothing and accommodation of 3 children in Uganda.