At All Saints' our children are encouraged to 'let their light's shine' through the varied leadership roles they take responsibility for within school.
We value the voice and contributions of our children at All Saints', and are quite often 'blown away' by their insightful comments and ideas.
Every subject leaders' monitoring of their subject, completed at least twice per year (and at least 4 times per year for core subjects), includes a 'pupil voice' activity, during which children from every class talk to the subject leader about their learning and their thoughts and feelings about a subject area. We ensure that the voice of a diverse range of children is sought.
Every child in school is a 'Curriculum Champion' for an area of the curriculum. Subject leaders meet with 'Curriculum Champions' from across school every half term, gathering pupil voice from across school about their subject. We hope that giving every child the opportunity to hold a leadership role and some responsibility in school, and to feel valued for the contributions that they make, supports the development of leadership skills.
Our year 6 children act as 'Guiding Lights', having the responsibility for supporting with the planning, leading and evaluating of worship at school. They work with Rev'd Toby throughout the year through their roles as Guiding Lights. They also hold the responsibility of supporting others in school to 'let their light shine'.
When children reach the summer term of Y5, they become prefects, supporting with ensuring lunchtimes run smoothly, running the salad bar in the dining hall, supporting with ensuring younger children are taken outside after eating their lunch (or perhaps to get their coats, put lunch boxes away etc.) This continues until they reach the summer term of year 6, when the baton is handed over to Y5.
Children in Y5 are 'Guardian Angels' for our new EYFS children. They are 'buddied up' and meet the new EYFS children as part of transition to All Saints', in the summer term before our new children officially join us. The Guardian Angels support our new children to settle into school, helping them to build new friendships, find their way around school, learn how to follow our school rules. The Guardian Angel system has been very well received over the last 7 years of being implemented and gives our Y5 children the opportunity for responsibility in school.
Children in Y4 work towards achieving the Trust Primary Qualification of Leadership. They are also all given the opportunity to become librarians. They run the library each week after school, on a rota, and are responsible for keeping the library well organised and making book suggestions to staff based upon their discussions with visitors to the library.
Mrs Hargreaves leads our Pupil Parliament and is also the 'Prime Minister' of the various pupil departments which operate across school. We are excited to continue working with Forward As One Multi Academy Trust which gives our children the opportunity to share with other schools their leadership work within our school.
Children across school are taught a leadership skill each half term, as follows:
Children can apply to become 'ministers' in one of our pupil leadership departments. Each Key Stage 2 class will have 2 ministers for each department. This year we are working with several other schools in regards to Pupil Leadership. A Minister has been selected from year 5 and Year 6 to meet via zoom each term, with representatives from other schools, to discuss what leadership looks like in our departments. After each zoom meeting, the ministers (from all KS2 classes) will work together to complete tasks set.
More information about our Pupil Leadership Departments can be found using the icon links below.
All classes hold half termly class parliament sessions. At each meeting, classes discuss the focus leadership skill for that half term, allowing time for the children to share their suggestions on how this skill can be developed and modelled. Each class has 2 class parliament representatives. During the meetings, representatives will collect/take note of the children's ideas, suggestions and concerns relating to school life at All Saints'. Once per half term, Class Parliament representatives look at these suggestions/concerns with Mrs Hargreaves who leads our Pupil Leadership team. Together, the Pupil Parliament work together in relation to any suggestions brought to the meeting.
We value the contributions that all of our children make to life in school.
Pupils’ ongoing contributions and commitment has a very positive impact upon our learning environment here at All Saints' and we are incredibly proud of their combined achievements to date. We are confident they will continue to impress us with their ideas and passion!
All the Ministers from the different departments met on 13th September 2024 to take part in a Forward as One Trust Zoom meeting. Their roles and responsibilities were discussed. Collaboratively, the Ministers recognised that a leader must be: considerate, polite, helpful and a good listener. All children were issued with lanyards to wear when attending meetings or completing tasks related to their role.