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Home Learning - Spring 1

English Work for 13/1/25

As part of retrieval work and  to allow children to revisit prior learning before their new learning in history - I would like the children to create a fact file on the Great Fire of London.


This could be presented either on paper or as a power point / word document. 


I am looking for the knowledge they have  learnt.

For the English aspect, I am looking for some subheadings, sentences that make sense and are in the past tense, use of adjectives to describe and adverbs to help add more information about what happened (e.g. the fire burned quickly, the people worked bravely to put the fire out). I had originally asked for these to be brought in by Friday 25th January, but if they could be shared today, that would be great.

Maths - 13.1.25


Please can the children complete the shape hunt, that incorporates outdoor learning and log on to Whizz Maths - I will update who is in the Hall of Fame at lunchtime and the end of the day! If you need your child's login details, please message me.
