We are very lucky to have such a caring and hard working staff team at All Saints'. Many people, with a range of roles and responsibilities, make up our school family.
Should you need to contact a member of staff directly, and do not wish to use Class Dojo to do so, a list of teaching staff school based email addresses can be found below:
Mrs Saporita-Clark - head@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Huddy- s.huddy@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Hargreaves- v.hargreaves@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Miss Duckworth - l.duckworth@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Jackson- s.jackson@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Mr Preston - gpreston@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk (deliberately without the . between the g and preston)
Mrs Collins - h.collins@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Miss Metcalfe- a.metcalfe@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Mitchell - b.mitchell@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Miss Harrison - a.harrison@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Miss McLaughlin- s.mclaughlin@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Heeley is our school administrator. Mrs Heeley can be contacted via email on r.heeley@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk. Mrs Heeley will be able to guide you to reaching the correct person/information for enquiries to which answers cannot be found on our website. Mrs Heeley will be able to help you with any query relating to out of school club bookings.
Mrs Ainsworth is our school business manager. Mrs Ainsworth can be contacted via email on finance@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk.
Mrs Linda Turner is our Chair of Governors. Mrs Turner can be contacted via letter sent into school, marked for her attention, and marked as private and confidential. Alternatively, Mrs Turner may be contacted via email on lturner@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk .
No staff member at All Saints' is currently a union official therefore there has been no time off necessary for staff who are union officials to take time off to carry out their union duties.
Should you require any further information, beyond that which can be found on our website, please do not hesitate to contact us. Mrs Heeley, our school administrator, will be more than happy to answer questions you may have. If your enquiry relates in anyway finance related, please contact Mrs Ainsworth, our finance manager. If you would like a paper copy of any information on our school website, this will be provided free of charge.
All Saints' Church of England Primary School
Church Street
Telephone: 01254 234562
Mrs Heeley (school administrartor): r.heeley@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Ainsworth (school business manager): finance@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Saporita-Clark (Headteacher): head@allsaints-clm.lancs.sch.uk