The link teachers for the Department of Environment and Safety are Mr Preston and Mrs Collins.
On 14th November 2024, the Ministers for the Department of Environment and Safety met with other Forward as One Pupil Advisory Board members via Zoom for a meeting. The meeting was led by Mrs Gardiner. The children discussed what they understand the words Environment (the space around you - your classroom, your school, your playground, the wider locality, the world) and Safety (to be free from harm, to not have worries - to have good mental health).
Mrs informed the group that they would be learning more about Article 27 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social needs and support their development. Governments must help families who cannot afford this. Please click on the link below for more information about Article 27.
The children have shared this right (Article 27) with the school during an assembly and have completed a questionnaire to find out the pupils' thoughts on how this right is met at All Saints'. The pupils have also been invited to create posters or presentations sharing how they believe that staff at All Saints' meet this right for the children.
Another part of the role for the Ministers for the Department of Health and Safety is to make sure that our school environment is clean, tidy and safe. We do this by regularly checking cloakrooms and awarding certificates to the classes that have the tidiest areas.