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Let your light shine!

All Saints' Reaching Out

'Let your light shine'

Matthew 5.6


As a Christian school, we recognise how important it is that we teach our children about working with and supporting others, both in their own community and communities around the world, in various ways, recognising that not all people grow up with the same experiences of life. This supports our children to grow spiritually. 


We believe that it is important that our children develop links with their community and also with the wider world, to enable them to have an awareness and appreciation of the world in which we live and the diversity within and beyond our local community. 


As a school we support many local, national and international charities, welcoming visitors into school to help our children to develop an understanding of the wider world in which we live and the needs of people in various communities, from our local community to those farther afield. 


Our community and charity work gives our children opportunities to put the Christian values which we explicitly teach and model into action. We are extremely proud of how well our children and families engage in charity work to make a real difference to the lives of others. We celebrate the efforts of our children to support others either in our local community or the wider world. 


Below is an overview of our pre planned outreach work for 2024-2025, which directly links to developing pupil leadership skills and the Christian Value of service.
