Information about each of the curriculum areas studied at All Saints' can be found using the subject icons below.
For information regarding the curriculum content for a given class, please see the year group curriculum overviews below and visit your child's class page within 'children, class pages' or by using the link below:
The All Saints' Shine Curriculum
At All Saints’ all aspects of school life, including our Shine Curriculum, are firmly rooted in our foundation scripture, the school vision and our Christian Values. We believe that every child should develop the knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence to become a positive force in the world. Our vision has been written to ensure we meet the unique needs of our school community, providing a high-quality education for all. Our curriculum vision is rooted in the C of E vision for education, and we aspire to enable all of our children to experience ‘life in all its fullness’ and to truly believe that they can achieve anything, with the firm belief that we should all 'let our light shine' to enable us to flourish. For us to achieve this, we believe the curriculum needs to be built carefully, with the demographic, values, and community of our school in mind. The curriculum we offer is reflective of the bespoke needs of our school – building upon the National Curriculum, ensuring we utilise our local area, community partnerships and links to bring the curriculum to life.
When children leave our school, we strive to ensure that they are confident and competent readers, equipped with the reading skills that they need to fully access the world in which they live and achieve to the best of their potential. Through all aspects of our curriculum, this is what we are working towards. We implement a vocabulary rich curriculum which we know is key to learning, progress and success as a reader and across the curriculum. If we could give our children only one gift through their years at primary school, it would be the gift of reading!
We place a great value on staff professional development, which ensures the staff team are skilled and up to date with evidence informed practice. Our Shine Curriculum, implemented by the staff team, ensures children experience quality teaching and develop a lifelong love for learning. Our curriculum encompasses not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but goes beyond this to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide. The All Saints’ Shine Curriculum will give children opportunities to find their talents, explore their gifts, develop an area of expertise or spark an interest within them that will develop into a lifelong interest, hobby or pastime. Our curriculum is further enhanced by our commitment to values-based education (including British Values) and, through this, we provide learning experiences which promote confident, resilient, self-motivated pupils, eager to challenge themselves and learn and to flourish!
We aim to remove all barriers to learning so that all children, with perseverance, can develop the skills they need to move on to the next phase of their learning and to carry with them a joy for new learning and discovery.
We want all our children to develop a growth mindset and increase their resilience when faced with a challenge, to know that making mistakes is ok and that this is an essential part of great learning. We aim to ensure that our children are able to communicate confidently and effectively through both their spoken and written language by the time they leave All Saints’. We want all children to develop a love of reading and the skills required to read for pleasure into adulthood, across the curriculum.
Our Shine Curriculum ensures children gain an understanding of equal opportunity, are able to celebrate the richness and diversity of Accrington, Lancashire, Britain and the wider world and are, therefore, fully prepared for life as a global citizen.
We aim to equip all children with the knowledge and skills to make positive lifestyle choices in respect of their physical health, their wellbeing and healthy relationships. We place a great value on the importance of digital literacy and computing confidence, so all our children know how to keep safe whilst being creative and innovative when using IT software and equipment.
When children leave All Saints’, our Shine Curriculum will ensure they are ready for secondary school academically, emotionally and physically; they will take with them strong personal values and a ‘can do’ attitude which will allow them to continue their learning journey and achieve.
We want all our children to take risks, try new experiences, inside and outside of the classroom, and, therefore, experience life in all its fullness so they can become All Saints’ citizens who shine as lights in their world.
At All Saints’ CE Primary School we have a distinctive and personalised curriculum that will prepare our children for the ever-changing world that they will grow up within. Our curriculum is a bespoke curriculum, enhanced and personalised by, or in some curriculum areas, written by, the team at All Saints’, with our pupils in mind, and developed to meet our children's needs . Our curriculum meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum (2014)
Our school has a curriculum that intends to:
Promote choice and decision making which will enable our children to take responsibility for their learning journey and lifestyle.
Utilise children’s natural curiosity to develop time and self-management through problem solving, enquiry and investigations.
Provide our children with challenging learning experiences which are engaging, motivating and exciting.
Inspire our children to collaborate, cooperate and reflect through discussion.
Lead children to apply their skills, knowledge and understanding through a range of real life learning experiences.
We have designed our curriculum in this way because each PUPIL is at the heart of our school and at the center of our curriculum. Through our curriculum we intend to support and encourage our children to become lifelong learners, with a love of learning, flourishing through the implementation of a broad, balanced and deep curriculum, developing vocabulary, skills and talents that are transferable to the next stage in their journey thus impacting upon outcomes for all.
Our curriculum is implemented across school under the careful guidance and monitoring of subject leaders, ensuring progression through school, beginning with experiences in Early Years. Each class, from Willow through to Oak, has a curriculum map, showing an overview of the curriculum that will be covered within each class, shared on class webpages. Acorn class, our EYFS class, develop their own curriculum map each half term, in part in response to children's interests and needs. These can also be found on the class webpages.
Every class make effective use of visits and visitors to enhance the learning opportunities for the children and support in developing cultural capital. In implementing our curriculum, we make use of assessment to shape future learning and plan engaging and exciting learning opportunities for our children and to guide intervention, supported regulalry by a visit or visitor to enhance the learning experience for every child. Our curriculum aims to meet the needs of all children.
Our SENCo, Mrs Huddy, supports in adapting provision for children with additional needs.
When implementing our curriculum, we pay careful consideration to the science of learning; ensuing regular opportunities for retrieval of prior taught content, including space retrieval, to support children in 'knowing more and remembering more'. Learning is broken down into carefully sequenced small 'chunks', with staff continuously making use of assessment to guide learning provision. As a staff team, we have spent time researching and exploring Rosenhine's Principles of Instruction and these are incorporated into our teaching approach across school. Our curriculum is ever evolving as we learn as subject leaders in school, based upon monitoring and reflection.
Detailed curriculum overviews for each subject can be found in the subject specific pages. Within the children's section of our website, and under class pages, you will find further details of the curriculum being covered in each class/year group throughout the year, in the form of a curriculum overview and a detailed half termly/termly curriculum map. We hold class showcases, towards the end of each term, which allow children the opportunity to showcase their learning from across the curriculum with their parents and give parents and governors the chance to come and share in children's learning and review the impact that learning experiences have had on all children.
You will also find subject area pages below, which contain overviews of individual subjects across school and the progression between year groups. Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive and meet the needs of all children as learners, in line with both the Equality Act and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations. More details can be found within our SEND policy and also within our Equality Objectives Statement.
If you require any further information about our curriculum, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance, or the school office ( and we will happily provide you with any further information you require.