We have so many exciting learning opportunities for the 2024 to 2025 school year! Below is an overview of topics that you child be learning about in each subject during the spring term.
- The Dragon Machine – Story with adventure focus
- Major Glad, Major Dizzy – Adventure story
- Addition and subtraction
- Number and place value
- Measurement: length and height
- Measurement: weight and volume
- Animals including humans
- Plants
- The Old Testament – What do we learn from these stories?
- Easter – What do you think is the most important part of the Easter story?
- Online safety
- British Values
- Money
- First Aid – Thinking about helping
- Exploring landscape drawing
- Learning about David Hockney
- Using different media.
Games PE
- Dance- Learning how to move to a beat
- Exploring movement based on the theme of Beasts
- Controlling a robot
- Predicting the outcome of a series of commands
- Understanding how to make a robot follow a set of instructions