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Church Links

The link between church and school is part of what makes All Saints’ the extra-special place we honestly believe it to be.


Church and School support each other in order as part of one big ‘All Saints’ Family’.  We seek to provide the best possible context for the children of our parish to grow up strong in body, mind and spirit, with a secure grounding in the values of things that really matter.  We want to give every child the opportunity to experience prayer and worship and to come to know Jesus as their own friend and guide through life.


All Saints’ Church is visible in school through the ministry of the clergy, through the regular visits of the Open the Book team (who bring Bible stories to life through humorous and engaging dramas) and (behind the scenes) in the support given by our Foundation Governors.  The school uses the church building for many of its acts of worship, at least once each half-term.  The Church also makes an annual grant to help with RE and Christian distinctiveness.


Click the below link to listen to a video all about how the Church plays such a vital part in the life of our school:


All Saints’ School is visible in church through junior classes coming to take part in our Wednesday morning communions, through year group invitations to participate in our popular Friday Praise services and through the whole-school invitation to the Education Sunday service. 

We hope that our pupils and their families will feel welcome to attend Church as they can – whether that be for Friday Praise, Sunday worship and Sunday Club (for children, meeting in the Out of School Club room), or for special occasions like Christingle.  On the second Sunday of each month there is a family service suitable for all ages, normally also attended by members of our uniformed organisations – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.  These organisations also play an important part in the life of our All Saints’ family and many of our pupils belong to one of them. 


Friday Praise is an informal child-friendly service which takes place roughly fortnightly in term times.  Dates for Friday praise always feature on the timetable here on the school website. 


Full details of church life and service times can be found at – and keep up to date on .

