Computing at All Saints’ allows children to explore the world using technology safely |
Mr. Preston is the subject leader for computing at our school.
At All Saints' we see the enthusiasm and excitement our children have for computing and we aim to foster and develop this, with an emphasis on teaching all children about exploring a digital world safely.
We make sure that all of our children understand and know the importance of staying safe online and this is a key part of our learning every half term.
In this world where technology is always growing and changing, we make sure that our staff, volunteers and parents are kept up to date with the latest advice, so that we can all work together to keep our children safe online.
We will be entwining our computing skills with our topic work this year with the aim that the children can use their skills to demonstrate their wider curriculum learning.
We are using the Teach Computing Scheme of Work which delivers a progressive skills based curriculum. Children will have weekly Computing lessons.
In EYFS, All Saints' staff prepare children for future learning by ensuring children are familiar with using a range of devices and programmes, are developing basic skills linked to computing and have a familiarity with vocabulary that is built on in their future learning.
I have done my best in the race, I have run the full distance, and I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7 |