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Autumn 2

British Values

What Went Well

Children in year 6 could talk about having the right to vote and this being an example of democracy.

Year 1 children could identify some key aspects of showing respect to others.

A pupil in year 4 very clearly articulated how individual liberty was about being yourself, without others telling you who you should be.

Pupils on year 5 could recall learning about laws.

Even Better If

All year groups could give an example of British Values and could recall recent learning.


Spotlight on Behaviour

5 out of 6 year groups could name at least one focus for spotlight on behaviour within their class.

Year 2: lining up and 3-2-1 for attention

Year 3: hands up (rather than shouting out) for having something to say

Year 4: Online safety, transitioning around school and end of day routine

Year 5:‘fantastic’ walking and 3-2-1 for attention

Year 6: lining up and acceptable behaviour discussions


Road Safety

All pupils in key stage 1 were able to share aspects of the road safety lessons they have had this half term. Look, Listen, Think was a clear message.




Year 1 (Maple) talked about good listening in PSHE lessons, with children being ready to learn and things being well explained.

Year 4 said they thought that behaviour (for learning) was stronger in PSHE lessons.

Year 5 enjoy and value the 5 minutes mindfulness.

Year 6 commented on the focus on internet safety and how they valued this. They felt learning moved on quickly, but they understand what has been taught.



Some pupils felt that lessons needed to be longer due to the amount there is to learn.

There was a suggestion that more of a focus was needed on recapping prior learning in PSHE.

There was a range of learning activities within lessons. Children felt the mindfulness and spotlight on behaviour varied the lesson but more active learning within the main lesson was suggested along with the inclusion of things like true or false quizzes. 

Year 3 pupils access their reflection journal with increased regularity in the spring term.
