The Ministers in the Department of Health and Wellbeing, both young leaders (KS2) and mini leaders (KS1), have an important role to play at All Saints’.
Firstly, they are expected to act as good role models for their peers by showing respect for all people in our school; supporting in implementing the strategies that are in place at All Saints’ to promote and develop a strong sense of health and wellbeing.
They will meet half termly. The focus of these meetings will be linked to the leadership skill that is the whole school focus that half term, as well as discussing other topics which have arisen through class parliament discussions relating to health and wellbeing. One of the young leaders will hold the responsibility for taking minutes and creating a report about what the Department of Health and Wellbeing is working on at the time. It will then be the responsibility of the ministers to share this information during whole school assemblies.
The link teacher for the Department of Health and Wellbeing is Mrs Huddy.
Summer update
Health and Wellbeing Ministers have been impactful throughout the year as they have been the driving force behind a range of different lunch time clubs for those pupils who find it better for their mental health and wellbeing to remain indoors at lunchtimes rather than spend time on the noisy, busy playground. Different clubs include chess club, puzzle club and Lego therapy club. We also run a lunchtime nurture club for those who find the dining hall too noisy and overstimulating. Children are invited to eat their lunch in the library and spend some quiet time reading, drawing or playing board games.
9th January 2024
The Ministers of the Health and Wellbeing Department met today to carry out a task asked of them by Mrs SC and Mrs Ainsworth - to write a letter to Lancashire County Council complaining about the removal of Yorkshire Puddings for the Wednesday Roast dinner. The children worked well as a group discussing what they wanted including in the letter and together we typed our complaint, giving it to Mrs Heeley to send on our behalf. Please see below for our letter and the response we received.