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RE Club-Guiding Lights

Guiding Lights at All Saints'


Our year 6 children all take on the responsibility of becoming Guiding Lights as they move into their final year of school. They act as role models for others within school and support in upholding and sharing our Christian ethos. 


Guiding Lights support in planning, leading and evaluating worship and evaluating RE across school. The Guiding Lights are split into 6 teams, with varied responsibilities over the year, changed on a half termly basis so all Guiding Lights undertake all roles over the course of year 6, as follows:

  • Planning and leading the half termly church based whole school/community worship
  • Planning and leading a half termly in school whole school worship
  • Running our prayer garden/prayer tents at break time and lunchtime
  • Supporting in monitoring the effectiveness and impact of RE and worship at school by talking with children from across school and gathering their opinions
  • Supporting in ensuring reflective areas are of a high quality and are being used effectively in school
  • Being 'on duty' at playtime and dinner time to support children who just need a friend!


Our Guiding Lights support in upholding our mission statement:


"We love, we persevere, we respect, we have faith, we enjoy life!"


They also reinforce the importance of our foundation scripture:


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."



A song we love to sing at our school is My Lighthouse. This song links really well to God being our Guiding Light and our year 6 Guiding Lights living out our Christian faith within school as God's Guiding Lights at All Saints'. Click on the link below to enjoy this song.


My Lighthouse Song
