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Throughout the school year, our year 6 RotaKids have organised, led and supported a wide range of fundraising events raising money for school funds, to make a difference to the children in our school, as well as doing so to raise money for various charities. We are very proud of the work of the RotaKids. 

Year 6 23/02/2024 receiving their charter and taking the pledge to be a responsible member of the Rotary organisation.

We have recently embarked on a RotaKids initiative (a Rotary sponsored international service organisation for children aged between 7 & 12 offering club members the opportunity to try something new, make new friends and make a difference in their community), working closely with Accrington and the surrounding areas Rotary Clubs. Rotary clubs exist all over the world and and bring together people across generations who wish to create lasting change in the world, in their communities and in themselves.  Being involved in Rotakids will mean that we can raise money for lots of different causes, with the backing of an international charitable organisation. 

Our first endeavour will be to raise money for school, helping to buy some much needed books whilst raising money to provide footballs and pumps for children at an orphanage school in Kenya. After this, charitable events will include raising money to continue to support our sponsor children in Uganda, supporting the Wrap Up project linked with our local rotary club. 

The children have been amazing at setting this club up and we have our president, vice president, secretary and treasurer leading the members in helping our local and global communities. 

Here are some images of Mrs Collins and two of her sons sharing footballs with the children of Gede Community school, sharing biscuits and sweets with the children of Sabake community church and a trip to the beach after aid is shared with Mwangaza Children's Home in Kalifi. 


Impact of Rotakids
