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Acorn Early Years 2023 - 2024

Hello and welcome to your Early Years class page. Early Years is called Acorn class. 


Mrs McKnight is the Early Years Lead.


Miss Duckworth is a class teacher within the Early Years department. 


Mrs Hargreaves is a class teacher within the Early Years department. 


Miss Kenworthy is a teaching assistant within the Early Years department.


Mr Preston teaches forest school within the Early Years department. 


During the Summer term 1 our learning will be based on different books including The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Scarecrows Wedding and What the Ladybird Heard. 


In Numeracy, we will focusing on developing a deeper understanding of number, including knowing that numbers are made up of other smaller numbers.  We will continue to develop our knowledge of more and less, including being able to recognise when groups of objects have more, less or are equal to one another.  We will also be revisiting repeating patterns and shape, thinking about how we can use shape to make pictures.


For phonics, reading and writing sessions, we will be following the Read Write Inc programme.


In our wider curriculum and Understanding of the World topics we will be consolidating our learning about castles with a trip to Clitheroe Castle and our new learning will be about where our food comes from around the world, where different animals live (including learning about their habitats).  We will prepare for our Summer 2 trip to the farm by learning about farmers and different farm animals.  


Our artists study this half term is all about Claude Monet.  We will learn all about him and create pieces of work in his style.


We cannot wait for a very exciting and fun half term. 


The Early Years Team 
